What is Life?
As David Knight, the Public Information Director for
Lancaster Count School District, spoke to students on Monday, he became very
animated shouting, “What is Life?”
"That's not it" Knight said if a student gave an answer he considered to
be lame.
His animated discussion of life for high school students
reminded me of the first time I saw him teach this lesson. Three summers ago, I
was sitting in an old conference room in Rudder auditorium and he broke out
into the same “What is Life?” discussion. It was funny, entertaining and
straight to the point all at the same time. “These are exactly the types of questions
and stories I want my students to engage in” I thought to myself. As an advisor, I am lucky. My students have always
proposed good story ideas. Where I think we fall short is in the interviewing
process. This coming year, I would like to focus on the types of questions that
are being prepared, researched, and asked by the reporter in order to gain the
information they need to give their story good “human interest”.
I would like for us to brainstorm and put a “What is Life”
chart on one of the walls to assist the reporters in creating better interview questions.