Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hawaii Climb

My family and I woke up just as the sun was rising behind a layer of perfectly white clouds floating over the blue ocean waves. We got in the car and drove to Diamond Head Mountain. I was definitely not ready to face the climb. I did not train or prepare at all. I still got my water and backpack out of the car and starting climbing the steep mountain. After a steep 30 minute climb, we reached a large look out point. I expecting a good view, but I could not believe my eyes when I stopped walking and looked out. The view was amazing. I could see the ocean for miles on end. I could see the edges of the island and the perfectly placed grains of sand. The wind was flowing through my hair, and for a moment, I felt free. We continued on the trail and finally reached the top of Diamond Head. I thought I would never reach the peak. Looking out on the beautiful blue ocean, I felt like I was looking at heaven. The view was gorgeous and everything was perfect. We took in the view, but we had to climb back down just too soon. I had definitely anticipated the climb for I was never much of an outdoors person. I would always choose indoors over outdoors, but I definitely look back happy I made the decision to climb Diamond Head. I will never forget the amazing view and experience.

Sophie Daily
TPP Bellaire High School

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