Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welcome the TPP Classroom Blog for 2012-2013

Welcome to students of the Three PennyPress newspaper classroom at Bellaire High. We will use this blog site for the school year. It will be part of the curriculum. We will be exploring the rapidly changing world of journalism and the influence social media.

You will have an assignment to complete a posting before you leave camp - either the July or August camp.

Take notes at the sessions that you attend during the workshop, create a blog posting of something that you learned or something that impacted you and post before the last day of camp at noon. This will be your first classroom assignemnt for the 2012-2013 year!

I will moderate all postings and comments. You will be graded throughout the year on postings and comments. All postings are to be classroom related.

You will receive an email from the google group on how to establish an account so that you can feed this blog. If you are going to the camp in July, please setup an account as soon as possible. All other staffers will setup an account before the August workshop.

Thank you and welcome to the Three Penny Press class of 2012-2013!

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