Friday, November 30, 2012

Black Friday Shopping

As I push through women after women after women. I finally see them. The new, dark brown, riding boots that I have wanted since the beginning of winter. I run to go grad them before someone else does. I find a quiet corner to go try them on. They fit perfectly. Waking up at 6.a.m is finally worth it. The what-seemed endless drive to the galleria doesn't matter anymore. Right as I'm to check out, I notice there is a sweater sale going on in the Macy's next door. Well might as well as I'm here, I could go check it out. I doubt there is anything still in my size. But you never know, I might find something that is worthwhile. I walk in. It looks as if a tornado has passed through. Am I going to find anything in this black hole? Is it really worth it? Well, I might as well try. I savage through the scraps of clothes I find left.I see something, buried under a pile of clothes. I dig through and find the perfect sweater. The perfect holiday sweater covered with reindeer and snowflakes. I can't expect to leave the store without it. I look at size. A small! This is really a thanksgiving miracle. As I check out, the lady at the register tells I'm lucky. It was the last one. Finally ready to go home and take a fulfilled nap. Successful shopping trip? Very, Would I do it again next year? Never.

Jackie Wertheimer
Entertainment Writer
Bellaire High School
Bellaire, TX

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