Friday, April 12, 2013

blog 5

maryam nabhani
blog 5

written in the style of Laila Lalami

Book Review: Daisy Miller

Capturing the essence of the clashing old and new worlds, old money verses new money, Henry James' Daisy Miller expresses how the uncouth, un-classy Nouveau riche try to blend into the realms of the elegant Western European world. James' himself is an American-Born, European-transformed man; his essence is reflected in that of the active character of Winterbourne, another European-made gentleman who finds himself lost in the wonder of the titular character, Daisy Miller. Daisy exemplifies a brash, bold American teenage girl; she's of "new money" and finds herself trying to prove her identify in the sophistication of Europe, though ironically unintentionally tarnishing her own reputation.

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