Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blog 3

Greta Van Susteren keeps a blog called GretaWire to keep readers updated on current wordly events.  I enjoy this blog because Greta oftens posts videos and pictures, which allows for a more visual update.  It is nice to not have to read and decipher political lingo.  These videos are often videos that were played as clips in her news show, but it is nice to be able to watch them whenever I want, not just during her hour on air.  The videos put a name, face, and voice with the topic being reported on.  Additionally, she often posts behind the scenes pictures of her interviews - it is interesting to discover all that goes in to a brief evening news clip. 

In the blog Celesto News, the author follows various celebrities from Ashley Tisdale to Jennifer Aniston and Megan Fox.  Shannon Filling keeps readers updated on who is wearing what, who is dating whom, who is where and what Hollywood's top names are doing.  I read this blog often because I like to be in the loop on the lives of the people who seem to set today's trends.  I especially enjoy this blog in particular because the author primarily reports the facts, without injecting her opinion.  This allows me to form my own opinion without an outside persuasion.

Laure Cundiff
Entertainment Writer

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