Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog 3

Jonathan Tilove writes a blog about politics for Austin’s The Statesman. He primarily talks about Texas state politics, but has some national coverage as well. I’ve covered his blog because it is hard to pay attention to state politics and events with the federal focus of 24-hour news media. I also care about the federal focus of politics and Washington events, but state politics and decisions in Austin affect me more as someone living in Texas. His connections between state and national politics help me understand the consequences of both, and I highly value Tilove’s commentary and analysis.

 Christopher F. Scheutze wrote a blog posting on New York Times’ global edition, the International Herald Tribune, about Europe’s use of electric cars. I enjoy this blog because I enjoy the New York Times’ stories and publications in general, and the blog a good source for international, non-sensationalist news in a style I’m familiar with. I have seen other authors with captivating stories on the blog, like Harvey Morris’ story about mineral wealth in undersea asteroids, for example. I have not seen coverage like this on normal news media and I will definitely continue to read this blog.

staff writer Nicolas Aldape

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