Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blog 5

As a sports writer and athlete, I am drawn to the life-changing plays, the injuries, the sweeping stats, and most importantly the accomplishments of well-known athletes around the world. The blogs I follow have anything and everything to do with the highlights of athletes around the world. This is a tribute to those sports' blogs and mimics the styles of this informative yet exciting writing. 
The team put the ball in the back of the net. It was significant not in that it won the game for the team, but that with the outcome of a tie it placed them as first in the district, seated high for playoffs.
On Friday, Jan. 22, junior Sarah Battles got the sole goal of the game against the Lamar Redskins, leading to a tie. Taking a free kick from about 40 yards out, she curved it in to the upper right corner, breaking the team’s losing streak to Lamar from year to year.
This mixed with the energy of all the fans led to the team’s holding up in effort and strength and not allowing Lamar to come back and win the game in the second half. The team was overjoyed that all their hard work led to this result against its major rivals.
What a significant outcome. 

Leslie Cundiff
Sports Writer
Three Penny Press

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