Monday, December 3, 2012

Keep Dreaming

"Dude, I had this insane dream last night!" I said to my friend."In the dream I had myself go to sleep and I had a dream within a dream!"
          "Woah, that's radical man," replied my friend.
I smirked to myself, feeling very accomplished with my sleeping endeavor. And then I woke up.
          Ever since watching Inception, I had been fascinated by lucid dreaming and the novelty of experiencing a dream within a dream. Last year, I wanted to experience it myself so badly, that I began to research on my own if it was possible. Much to my surprise and satisfaction, I found that lucid dreaming existed and was very possible. Using what I had learned from various internet sources, I began to take measures to practice lucid dreaming. At first it was very frustrating. I ended up either keeping myself awake for too long at nights because of my dream within a dream craze, or just falling asleep and forgetting what I was trying to do. Then, one night I got it right. I fell asleep, but I was awake in my dream. I was so exhilarated by finally being able to lucid dream. Then I remembered my primary goal to have a dream within a dream, so I had my dream self go to asleep in the dream. But here’s the trippy part: I must have forgotten while in the dream how many levels down I was in the dream, and so I thought I had woken up. I began to tell a friend how I had a lucid dream, but I was not back in reality yet. I had lost myself in my own dreams. When I finally woke up to reality, I was just really dumbfounded by having such a  profound experience,
          That was the one time I had ever accomplished lucid dreaming. I have still been trying to replicate that experience, because it’s something I’ll never forget.

Zean Liao
Staff Writer

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