Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I feel really bad, seriously. It keeps on asking for me, begging me to join it in peaceful harmony. But I can't. I don't have time to spend hours on end doing nothing. I won't even remember what I did in the morning. That is no way to live.
My bed is my biggest seducer. It is loyal, patient and understanding. The soft pillows hold my head while it dreams and my tears when I cry. Its soft blanket shrouds me in warmth and protects me from the winter cold. My bed is my knight in shining armor that won't run away from me anytime soon. 
There is an evil dragon that serves as a formidable enemy: homework. Homework is a never-ending tunnel of sadness and problems. It is always demanding, never understanding and always looming over my head like a huge shadow. With just a small amount, it is able to chain me back from happiness. 
This is my daily quest- I will slay all of the math problems; I will write the essay; I will conquer the science lab. This is all for you, my sweet bed.

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