Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blog 7

The up and coming Houston Rockets gave the Oklahoma Thunder all they could handle by taking the series to 6 games. The Rockets lost the first three games but due to a major injury for the Thunder, Russell Westbrook had to have surgery. Due to the shift in the momentum, the Rockets lead by James Harden were able to to win the next two games. James Harden was traded from Oklahoma City at the beginning of the year. Harden lead the young upstart Rockets all year. Another player traded to the Rockets this year, Francisco Garcia from Sacramento,  helped out the Rockets with bench scoring and energy. The Rockets were not expected to make the playoffs at the beginning of the year but surprised the league with an up-tempo offense. To improve for the next year the Rockets need to add another scoring option to go along with Harden and Parsons. This will probably be addressed in Free Agency with lots of cap space available. Possibly Josh Smith or Chris Paul could be added. The defense needs to be improved in Kevin Mchale's second year. The future is bright for the Houston Rockets.

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