Friday, May 31, 2013

Blog 8 - Stephen Proler

For the last blog of the school year, I decided to write about what I will be doing over Summer. I recently got a job at a Law Firm where I will be filling in as a ParaLegal and Law assistant. My hours are from 9 to 5:30 for the first four days, and 9 to 12 on Fridays. Yay casual Fridays! I'll be making good pay and it will lead me to opportunities to meet new people and learn new skills. Everyone asks me because I am working at a Law Firm what I want to do when I grow up, but honestly I have no idea. Why should I be rushed to answer a question that some in their late 40's still don't know. Besides the suits and clients, I have my own desk and a view. The most rewarding thing about my job is that I get to experience what others my age don't. I get to go out in the world early. See what its like to be an adult, work in the corporate environment. Hopefully next year, my blog will be my own critique on my Summer. How fun it was and how rewarding everything was.

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