Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog 3 Stephen Proler

Blog 3: 

For a couple of months I have been following the Crow Bar Man Cave Blog. In this blog I learn the views of an anonymous blogger that gives his insight of the world wide news on Sports. With the upcoming Super Bowl coming this Sunday. The controversy going around is if Randy Moss is the best wide receiver ever in the history of the NFL. While my personal belief is that Jerry Rice will forever be the best wide receiver, this anonymous blogger feels as if retired receiver Terrell Owens is the best. Jerry Rice has won three Super Bowls, while Owens has won none. This blog is very informative and interesting.

In addition, to keeping up with my sports blog I have been viewing time to time, the blogs of "The Movie Blog." I have lately been infatuated with the blog of Kenny Smith who argues that the Screen Actors Guild Awards and Emmys have a direct relation to the winners of the Oscars. Although history has proven Smith correct, a couple of years ago the "Hurt Locker" won the academy award when James Cameron's Avatar was winning all of the Emmys. I enjoyed reading this blog on the new and upcoming movies in comparison to the classics everyone loves.

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