Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog #3

Ann Brenoff is a Senior Writer for the Huffington Post. She is based in Los Angeles and previously worked at the Los Angeles Times, where she wrote the nationally syndicated Hot Property column about celebrity real estate. She blogs about miscellaneous things that include life experiences, thoughts, advice and society. I really like her style of writing and I can relate to a few of the subjects she posts. Because she has many personal experiences, I almost, in a way, learn from her. One of my favorite blogs is What Do You Call The Person Who Shares Your Life?

The Big Picture blog in the Boston Globe is one of my favorite blogs. Several different bloggers like Lane Turner and Paula Nelson blog about important news events with a series of very large pictures illustrating those short blogs. Not only are their stories very informative, but the blog provides images that helps you envision those scenes. China, Afghanistan and India are just a few of the countries featured within the blog. Fashion and geography are also featured with incredible pictures used to aid those stories.

Sara Nabhan
Bellaire High School

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