Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog 3

The Gothamist is an entertainment and news blog all about the happenings in the City that Never Sleeps. The blog itself has several writers, one being Ben Yakas for News. Yakas' writing comes off funny and sarcastic but still informative. His light-hearted banter makes reading his blogs much easier to digest than a regular news journalist. Born and raised in New York and has written for The Encyclopedia of New York and WNYC. He is currently and editor for the Gothamist.

On the flip side of the Gothamist, This Just In is CNN's blog for news and links to CNN's website. Writer Brad Lendon is the polar opposite of Yakas in that there are no funny bits or sarcasm, just hard cold facts. Lendon is currently a manager/producer at CNN but frequently writes for This Just In.

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