Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blog 5

New York Times writer Phillip Lopate has recently published a post in the "Draft" section of the Opinionator blog. The "Draft" section is devoted to writers to examine the art and craft of writing. He writes about his profession of an essayist and how it allows him to freely express his ideas through writing without feeling afraid to uphold expectations from others.

The art of writing is intricate. Words can flow like spilled ink, but it can also block like congealed blood. I like the freedom that writing gives me. Being an essayist has no expectations demanded to be met. Writing should not be forced; it should be done only for the sake of putting your thoughts down on paper. Instead of arguing one side of a debate to prove your rhetorical skills, it is also reasonable to support the validity of both sides. There is always an "if, and, or, but" to all questions. Joining in with all the other skeptical rejoinders, I contemplate and reflect on daily life, encountering stereotypical examples and new stories everyday. Age has made me wiser, to some extent.

Michelle Huang

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