Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blog 5

After following many entertainment blogs, I have grown accustomed to fashion updates.  Perhaps the world is too focused on fashion, but the blogs I follow emphasize this facade.  This is a fashion update on the students at our school to mimic entertainment blog fashion updates.

As the end of the school year approaches, students fashion choices seem to be winding down.  What once was a dress paired with fashionable accessories has become a t-shirt paired with leggings and tennis shoes.  What once was nicely straightened hair has become a messy pony tail.  What once was a pair of khakis is now a pair of basketball shorts.  What once was freshly done make up is now a clean face.  Students are spotted frequently sporting the "new look."

Why the sudden change of looks? Simple.  Students are tired of school and ready for summer.  The extra five minutes required to look cute in the morning are now spent sleeping.  Patience wears thin as exhaustion sets in due to beginning preparations for approaching AP exams.  Fashion is only expected to decline as exams grow nearer and summer becomes closer on the horizon.  Fashionable? No.  Comfortable? Yes.

Laure Cundiff
Staff Writer

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