Friday, March 8, 2013

Blog 5

Fran Blinebury is a blogger for's Hang Time Blog. He regular blogs about the happenings in the NBA, and provides a fresh, satirical insight into his news of the basketball world. Emphasis on satire.

You certainly can't blame the brand name corporations for doing what they do. After all, they are just trying to provide for themselves and their families.

Yet, the craze over things name brand is sickening. We've all done it before. We've chosen our closets to be filled with the Nike swooshes or those Ralph Lauren horses. I applaud those who can restrain themselves from purchasing merchandise from the big names. For the rest of us, what is there to do? The consumerism in human beings is in our veins. It just can't be helped.

That being said, it is absurd how overhyped brand name clothing is. Advertisements run daily showing how their products are the "in" thing. It is a materialistic world we live in, and those with the materials are recognized as being "cool". People will fork over extra cash, sometimes ridiculous amounts, just to see that adidas or Nike logo on their gear. It has become understood that wearing such name brands will bring respect, while those who wear the off-brands are ridiculed.

The influence of name brand conglomerations is seen everywhere. Literally, everywhere you go, you will see someone wearing brand new clothing. Usually those looking flamboyant and stylish are the ones hooked hardest by the lure of brand names. After all, they have to match their new Jordans with the right Hollister shirt, right?

Zean Liao
Staff Writer

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