Monday, March 18, 2013

Blog 5

Two girl scout troops in Oregon were shammed into believing they had a huge corporate sale. This Sunday, hundreds of supporters came to Portland Girl Scout headquarters to buy the 6,000 boxes of cookies. 

The troops received a phone call ordering 6,000 boxes of girl scout cookies, $24,000. The girls were overjoyed with sale which they thought came from a local business. However when they called to receive their payment, the money never came. 

"I contacted the ... company and they said, 'We have no idea what's going on,'" scout mother Jennifer Reed said on "Good Morning America" 

The order was a hoax and the girls were left with 500 cases of cookies and no revenue for their summer camp and local homeless shelter they were donating. They were humiliated, but not hopeless. 

Their emergency sale brought great success to the troops. They were able to sell over half of their cookies and raised $12,000. 

"For every one person that has bad intentions, there are hundreds more with good intentions and good hearts that are here to help you," said Sarah Miller, director of communication for Girls Scouts of Oregon and Washington.

The troops plan to have another sale on March 23. 

Jackie Wertheimer 
Bellaire TPP
Entertainment Writer

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