Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog 4 Johnnie Sinclair

Blog 4

 The two blogs share contrast with each other as they talk about two different topics that are popular in pop culture. Mark Bittman writes (mostly) about food for the Times Opinion pages, and is The Magazine’s lead food columnist. He is the author of Food Matters,” which explores the crucial connections among food, health and the environment, and “How To Cook Everything.” He covers the positive and negative sides of what we eat and how we eat. I read this blog because it always informed me about the hazards or benefits concerning a certain food. I  feel comfort when I know what exactly is going into my mouth, so this blog showed me the "do's and don'ts" about food and food consumption. David Poguepersonal-tech columnist for The New York Times, has been writing a Thursday column since 2000.   He covers all areas including cell-phones, televisions, game consoles and tablets. I read this blog regularly because I have a passion for technology and its adoption across the world. I like to keep updated about new hardware and software that is released that involves products I am interested in using. I believe that technology is the future, so being able to follow its progression and innovation is a joy.  The two blogs parallel with each other as they both appeal to what in the "new" of each category. I follow these blogs simultaneously because they are both things I am passionate about.

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