Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog #4

James C. McKinley Jr. is a writer that likes to focus on current events. He usually writes about events that are surprising and sometimes sad. One example is when he wrote about the rape of a girl by gang members. He tends to be very opinionated. Sometimes it isn't very obvious but when you look at certain words and phrases his opinion is evident. It is usually strong and only really lets you see one side, but his input and what he has to offer is interesting. He has had a lot of experience working in several different newspapers and has had many great opportunities.

Margaret Sullivan is a writer who likes to write about art and usually lighter events and subjects than James McKinley does. Her pieces are interesting. Some pieces include discussing the true meaning of very used terms. They are nice to learn about and provide interesting stories. Her opinions and conclusions are her own like McKinley's and she is very original. She is a diligent worker and has been able to become more well known as time passes.

Daniela Carlock
Bellaire TPP

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