Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog 4

In my last blog, I spoke about the polar opposites of Gothamist blog writer Ben Yakas and and CNN blog writer Brad Lendon. While Yakas is definitely more of a comedy writer, Lendon is straight hitting with hard facts with out any fluff. If you want to read the latest news while being entertained with witty banter, Yakas is your guy. On the other hand, if you just want to know what, when, where, and how, Lendon is a much better fit.

As for myself, I prefer the fluff pieces in Yakas writing. I found Lendon's writing dry and hard to read straight through with out it feeling as a chore. I have no doubt that a more mature person with longer attention span could enjoy Lendon's articles, but for now my alliance is with Yakas.

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