Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog 4

As columnists for the New York Times, Mark Bittman and David Welch Poque both post regularly regarding recent developments in the areas they respectively write about, food and technology. However, the two bloggers differ in their writing styles and presentational formats.
1. Mark Bittman's posts are generally concise and written in an informal tone. His posts follow not only big developments in the food industry (e.g. FDA propsals, new food-related legislations, etc.) but also any daily/interesting  food encounters. The formats of his posts vary from news-style formats to photos with short criticisms/rhetorical questions (e.g."Do we really need that?").
2. David Welch Pogue's posts are much longer and detailed overall. His posts are usually structured to contain product reviews, in-depth descriptions of features, recent news, as well as personal preferences/troubleshooting advice. I like the emphasis placed on product features as it really helps distinguish pros and cons between similar products.

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