Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog 4

Christina Uticone's blog Fast Time as well as Katharine Shilcutt's blog "Best of" are both food blogs that although are both based in Houston are very different from each other in their personal writing styles. Christina Uticone writes in a much more personal style that relates to the reader in terms of preemptively answering any questions that the reader might have. For example, in her most recent Valentine's Day Dining Blog she writes it to provide suggestions to where couples should go on Valentine's Day as well as mentioning which prices would be preferable. This actually goes to relate to the reviews that Uticone usually writes, being that they usually are casual fast food blogs. Contrarily, Shilcutt's blog "Best of" is a bit more more serious and formal as she gives comprehensive reviews about more formal restaurants than just fast food joints. She also tends to focus on things like the quality of food and not mentioning more personal things like prices and accessibly. 

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