Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog Post 4

Julie Zeilinger and Keith Bradsher have very different styles of writing. Zeilinger is writing to a different audience than Bradsher. Her audience consists of teenagers and women, while Bradsher writes an older audience of business professionals. Their topics are completely different too. His writing style is much more professional and official than Zeilinger. He focuses on getting the facts across rather than his opinion. Zeilinger is completely biased and makes her opinion known. She makes sure her voice is heard and posts whatever is on her mind. Keith brings great insight to world events. He is using a direct style of writing to inform the US of Chinese issues and events. Zeilinger plays a more active role in the feminist movement, and informs teenagers of events and how they can get involved. 

Jackie Wertheimer
Bellaire TPP 
Entertainment Writer

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