Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog 4

When comparing the two writing styles of Fran Blinebury of, and Steven Greenhouse of the New York Times blog, striking differences can be seen. Blinebury writes his blogs with a very casual tone and employs many rhetorical fragments, for a light and humorous voice. The status quo for Blinebury's posts are clever puns and witty pop culture references. He is after all, merely writing about baskeball and giving his own point of view. Greenhouse's entries are more of the informational type. Long complex sentences and factual evidence fill up Greenhouse's blogs, and there is no room for clever word play. Greenhouse writes about Labor Boards and the economy and other business type stuff. It's not much fun, but just good, straight up information. These two bloggers are actually quite different in their styles and their blogs show two diametrically opposed writing voices.

Zean Liao
Staff Writer

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